We went to Bend last weekend (I'm a little late getting this up) We were supposed to go rafting with Sarah, above, and Michael, below, but the weather decided against it. It snowed and was super windy and cold.
So, instead we made the rounds about town and had a great visit with friends. Unfortunately, we forgot to bring our camera with us most of the time so we are limited with pics, but it was a blast. Thank you to all our friends who opened their homes to us while we were there visiting.
This is our first night in town with Sarah and Michael Jo, lamenting the rafting trip that wouldn't come to be....
We were surprised how big Bend had gotten, or maybe just how big it seemed after living in the stix for a while. Not only are we remote here, but there really isn't a town bigger than 3000 people unless you drive an hour, which we never do... So, it was a fun trip to the big city.
We had dinner with our good friends Sarah and John at Toomies our favorite restaurant in Bend, caught up on all the gossip around town. Sarah just got into OHSU's Physician Assistant program, "Congratulations Sarah" She will leave John, in Bend while she goes to Portland to be a student for 2 years. Luckily John, is looking forward to "getting his fort back" and seeing her on the weekends.
Next stop, Kyle and Corey's house, where they built a chill pad for us to sleep in. Luxury at it's finest. The new guest house features all a guest could want, including a comfortable bed. We were ready to move back. They also have the cutest "sucker" baby ever (a sucker baby is one that is so perfect, it sucker's you into having a child, only to discover your child is not of same temperment), in photo above... Big Ben is maybe the sweetest child ever, excluding sister's child Addrienne. We went cross country skiing, more appropriate than the slated rafting trip, in the snow, it was cold. We had a super fun time. Kyle and Zach, not pictured, had a great time, and I'm sure will have even more fun when they see each other next time, do to the involvement of bikes. Zach has missed Kyle, they are both super active, and spend alot of time climbing hills together.
Also not pictured, Zach hung with his good buddy Tim, formerly of the well known band Rodentula... Who have played at the famous, Shang Hai Jos. They rocked out.
We had a great time, thanks to everyone who made it a great visit, and to those we missed, next time.... We'll be back for Erica and Paul's Wedding. It's going to be a blast. Until then, come visit.
Oh and a posting wouldn't be a posting with out a beautiful picture of Mount Shasta....
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