Zach just got back from Sunday River Maine, where he took 2 of the students he had been coaching all season to compete in Nationals. They had a great time. The college put them up in a pimpy hotel by night and by day they terrorized the ski slopes of Maine... You can see how frightening these 3 Cali kids must have been to an unsuspecting east coast. See them at the base of the abominable snow-woman? We're told it's the worlds largest.

John Villani getting ready for the big race.

Becca racing down the slopes

Victory, they came home with 2 medals. John Villani took 3rd place in Giant Slalom and Becca took first place in Giant Slalom. Not bad for a little unknown Northern California College from the town of Weed.
It was a great way to end the season, and it went off without a hitch, except for the flat tire in the rental car that eventually led to missing their plane, which led to the great race from Maine to Boston, to Salt Lake City, to Sacramento. Which ended in Mt. Shasta early in the morning, completing one of the longest days of Zach's life. We are headed up to Bend in 2 weeks, hope to see all our Oregonian homeys...
lots of love, ZandR
R- when are you coming up!!!!??????? hope we're here?!! xooxoxoxo
Yeah- Maine!! I've skiied Sunday River many a time in my youth :) Congrats on the races, Zach. Exciting stuff. I won't be in town March 30-April 4th. Come before or after that!!! We need to see you guys. miss you loads. C, K, and B
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