Who knew we would miss our internet so much. After much waiting and anticipation, they came and connected us to satellites in outerspace. It was really expensive to get connected. When I asked the sales rep why it was going to cost so much to set it up, he replied, "hey lady this is some Nasa #@$%" Well, there you have it, we have our own little Cape Canaveral in our back yard. So, we can surf the web again.
We found our camera, and lots of other stuff. It was a secret before, but now that we have new pictures to post, the truth is, all the previous pictures were from last year when we visited. I was affraid if I was honest, you might not believe that we lived here, or something. The new pics are of the brand new deck that Zach built, for the hot tub. OK the focal point may not be the deck, but if you look close, you'll see it in the picture. The white spot up in the corner isn't dust either, it's the moon rising. (More impressive in person.) So, we have the deck ready for the hot tub, now we just need to find 5 strong guys to help us move it.... HELP!!
Life on the farm has been lots of work. We started to clean the garage on thanksgiving. It sits under miles of dust that span decades. I shop vac'd countless pounds of rat poo and black widow's webs. It was gnarley. Covered head to toe, including mask, we spent the day, only to have scratched the surface. We did find 2 beautiful antique glass knobs, a cool handblown glass light fixture, and some really old handmade metal hand tools. We also found pounds and pounds of junk. We have a dumpster outside that they dump everyweek and we are never have a problem filling it. Zach has insulated the house so we are toasty. We cut out some bushes, so we can see the mountain out the window from our bed. It's so nice to wake up to. There are so many birds outside the windows, I can't wait to become the birding geek with books to look them up and learn their songs. We already have a set of cheap binoculars next to the front door. The other day on our drive down the driveway we passed a hawk on the fencepost that must have sat 2 feet tall, not even 5 feet from us. Ignored us totally as we gawked at it's size. 2 more circling in the sky above. I found out that the big owl in the barn is a great horned owl, although it's fickle, just like nature. It's never there when I make my special trips out to say hello, and then when I just happen to be in there for something else, there it is. So pretty.

There is finally snow on the hills around our house, but not enough to snowboard yet, though it is finally getting cold. It's not cold like Bend though. We are still planning on having a big party for Zach's 30th this year. Keep us posted on what is a good weekend for everyone. Our friend Sol, who lives in the valley near us is a Reggae DJ, with PA's and everything, so we have our first act booked. He bring's us green eggs from his chickens. They are so pretty, and yummy. We are getting our chicken coop together so we can have some of his chicks.
We miss all of our friends, it is pretty quiet out here, but at the same time, birds make a lot of noise. Here are some pics from the sunrise the other day. Oh yeah, Come Visit!!!